Blackpool Pleasure Beach Ghost Train ....

I have always had an interest in the history and paranormal heritage of my town Blackpool, my late granddad ( Frank Gregson ) used to work for Blackpool Pleasure Beach and I was taken down by him to met the staff and watch what went on behind the scenes and of course watch the changing face of the park as new rides were built and constructed. He used to repair the track on the ghost train from time to time and bore testimony to the rumours that ‘Cloggy’ the former ride operator could still be heard, more on that later and what would happen when he was by himself. This meant I was incredibly lucky as sometimes I got to go on the rides for free , jolly exciting for someone who loves the funfair. A little bit of back history in 1930 the owners had seen the ride in London and decided to build their own “Pretzel” ride (named after the Pretzel companies, which built them in the USA). The Pretzel Ride was duly opened that year. As the name, Pretzel, was unknown in th...