Photography, Pseudoarchaeology, Puffery & the Paranormal
You probably thought my goodness what a title ! I will do my level best to make the above make sense in this blog.. For many years I have taken photographs of the area where I live ( Blackpool, including the Fylde & Wyre of course ) heritage and history, and at times I have captured oddities, ghosts? Perhaps who knows - Just love a good old church or vintage building. With regards to the photography side I think in all the years taking shots, just two have been sold for £. I am not in this for the money ( if I was I would be doing weddings every weekend ) Twitter and facebook are great for finding new friends with similar interests, but alas that also brings out the idiots*, bullies and *I know better than thou people*. Have I had encounters with people like that, yes sad to say, so blocking was the order of the day, just no need in this day and age, you can propably name a few now ! The only person that you need to please is yourself, if o...