Well you did ask... ( or maybe not )

My name is Juliette and I was born in St Annes and raised in Blackpool , always had an interest in the paranormal and managed to get a real accredited A level in Parapsychology from my local college a fair few years ago. I don’t belong to any certain groups but do own my own facebook ones ( and heritage) dedicated to the paranormal goings on of Blackpool and the Fylde.

From a young age I have always had an interest in things that do indeed go bump in the night, in younger days I would try and convince myself I could not see things , but the people at the funeral’s would have other idea’s.

Best paranormal experience you have had? Being able to see my late Grandad at his funeral waving and trying to make me laugh, my late Nan coming to say hello at the spiritualist church ( never go there as a rule )  

I see the relatives as and when they pass over. As before its interesting at funerals for me! I can also *hear* things as well as see them.

What are Orbs and why do we associate them with Haunted places or Ghosts?
If I go to a new place , even friends houses I also check my picys later on. Its quite amazing the amount that have orbs on. I feel that an orb is a bit of residue left behind by a location or a person, some may say clean your camera lens Juliette ....

Besides Ghosts what other Paranormal Phenomena do I believe in?
Life after death/Karma/angels/devil or a malevolent being/ god or a supreme being/aliens or indeed intelligent life *out there*

Is it true that Ghosts become more active at night and if so why?
I would say during the day. All the images I have taken have been during the day or early evening. I think that a ghost can be active at ANY part of the day ! 

If I had one paragraph to give to a cynic or hardened sceptic regarding your views or beliefs on paranormal phenomena what would it say?
To believe is a choice or state of mind, do not knock what you have or never will experience or understand. 


  1. Its St Annes with an A not an S like you alteted


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