Poolfoot Cottage - Thornton
Poolfoot farm has now long gone , but Poolfoot Cottage ( 1675 ) is still on the corner of Crabtree road.
http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101281132-poolfoot-cottage-wyre for the link to the British Listed Buildings Website !
Grade 2 listed - Pair of cottages, probably C18 or earlier, now bungalow. Cobble walls,
rendered and whitewashed, formerly thatched and now covered with slate.
On the front however is a more modern porch.
Map provided by Brian Hughes
Below kindly provided by Andy Ball from the excellent sister site on facebook -
Would love to know who lives there now - Just so I could say - would a lovely place that you live in !
( in case your wondering why the watermark ( now 2020 update ) I am rather upset that people steal and use my photos without the credit - sorry )
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