Foxhall Regeneration !!!

Regeneration and more Hotels...

Whilst out on my heritage travels I came across the following information.

Erection of a four/ five storey building with a raised rotunda at the northern end of the site to provide a bar, restaurant and hotel reception incorporating a cafe at ground floor level with hotel accommodation above comprising 119 en-suite bedrooms, with associated car parking and servicing arrangements, following
demolition of the existing buildings.


I researched a bit more and found out what was going to happen to the land, buildings and area.

The site is located on the Promenade directly opposite the entrance to Central Pier surrounded by Chapel Street, Foxhall Road and York Street. The existing building has a variety of mixed uses comprising of a parade of small Fancy Goods Stalls, a fast food outlet and two licensed premises all situated on the ground floor.

The first floor is a former night club which has been vacant for some time and the remaining areas are vacant except for some residential accommodation over 123 Central Promenade (Uncle Peter Websters).

Random information about  ‘Peter Websters’, - 1875 The Washington Hotel, Blackpool: was opened on the 5th of January on the corner of the Promenade and York Street. In 1982, the Washington was renamed Peter Webster’s after the now-retired showman – who had no connection with the venue. The pub closed in 2014, but was bought in February 2019, by Richard Cahill and Emma Smith, and reopened in June 2019.

The area is significantly run down and investment is needed, the proposals would give a much needed lift to the Promenade frontage and hopefully be a catalyst for further development for the remaining blocks between the proposed site and Princess Street.

 Essentially the proposed use will be for hotel accommodation on the upper floors with supplementary Coffee Shop, Restaurant and Public House on the ground floor. There will also be management car parking on the ground floor and a large cycle store as well as dedicated areas for deliveries, laundry and waste.

The design ethos of the building is that of a traditional 1930’s architectural style which we felt was more appropriate to this location than a square modern glazed building. The rotunda at the North end of the building softens the building form and provides a pleasant architectural feature when looking South from the Tower.

The main pedestrian access into the building will be from the north elevation and this is supplemented by disability compliant ramps to the East. There is a secondary access from Foxhall Road to allow coach drop-off and taxi drop-off with the attendant luggage. On the West frontage of the building there are supplementary access points for the restaurant and public house since it is anticipated that these will be used by both the residents of the hotel and the general public.

 Lets see if this goes ahead ! 


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