
Central Drive - Masterplan

The council has created a 25-year vision for the Revoe area of Blackpool, to improve the neighbourhood and rejuvenate areas including  Central Drive and Library Square.   The plan has been submitted by masterplanner GL Hearn to the council for sign-off. Revoelution, a residents committee formed to drive regeneration in Revoe, supported the creation of the masterplan. Improvements to existing housing stock and a boost to connectivity through the creation of green routes are among the proposals. Tree planting and new paving are aimed at revamping the street scene along with the creation of spaces for community initiatives.   A study, conducted last year by the Ministery of Housing, Communities & Local Government, found that Central Drive was the second most deprived community in the country, based on factors including i ncome, employment, crime, education, health, housing, and local environment.   The Governm...

Foxhall Regeneration !!!

Regeneration and more Hotels... Whilst out on my heritage travels I came across the following information. Erection of a four/ five storey building with a raised rotunda at the northern end of the site to provide a bar, restaurant and hotel reception incorporating a cafe at ground floor level with hotel accommodation above comprising 119 en-suite bedrooms, with associated car parking and servicing arrangements, following demolition of the existing buildings. LOCATION: 115-123 PROMENADE, BLACKPOOL, FY1 5BD DATE OF APPLICATION : 24/08/17 APPLICATION NUMBER: 17/0489 I researched a bit more and found out what was going to happen to the land, buildings and area. The site is located on the Promenade directly opposite the entrance to Central Pier surrounded by Chapel Street, Foxhall Road and York Street. The existing building has a variety of mixed uses comprising of a parade of small Fancy Goods Stalls, a fas...

Demolition date for Blackpool Wilko confirmed !!

Blackpool Council has said that it will take around five months to bring down the former Dickson Road store and car park.  I was lucky enough to be givern permission back in March to take interior shots ( glad I did before the official closing date due to lockdown ! ) Blackpool Council has confirmed that work will begin on the demolition of the town centre Wilko store in August this year.  ( however doesn't say which end of August - one bets that it will be the end to match when all the school's reopen.. )  After months of uncertainty around when work will commence on bringing down the derelict store and attached car park, the next stage of the plan has been laid out. The most recent announcement outlines the next phase of the Talbot Gateway regeneration scheme. It will pave the way for a new Holiday Inn Hotel and completion of the tramway extension following nearly two years of delays. The tramway is now due to be ...

Photography, Pseudoarchaeology, Puffery & the Paranormal

You probably thought my goodness what a title ! I will do my level best to make the above make sense in this blog.. For many years I have taken photographs of the area where I live  ( Blackpool, including the Fylde & Wyre of course ) heritage and history, and at times I have captured oddities, ghosts? Perhaps who knows - Just love a good old church or vintage building.  With regards to the photography side I think in all the years  taking shots, just two have been sold for £. I am not in this for the money ( if I was I would be doing weddings every weekend ) Twitter and facebook are great for finding new friends with similar interests, but alas that also brings out the idiots*, bullies and *I know better than thou people*. Have I had encounters with people like that, yes sad to say, so blocking was the order of the day, just no need in this day and age, you can propably name a few now ! The only person  that you need to please is yourself, if o...