George Pub 2020 - October update !
You may remember my last blog from June of this year Have a quick read to remind yourself of the history if you wish.. Well the pub is now being knocked down as I type this , the Blackpool Gazette ran a story on Monday , I went down Tuesday and a third of the building was gone ! Very glad I went down to be honest as I think this historic building will be gone by the end of the week. If you fancy some video's have a gander at my youtube channel At the moment no one seems to know what will happen with the land after, a car park was mentioned ! Flats or new houses ,, when I find out I will of course let you all know... so some more stills from another piece of heritage that is nearly gone .... Around 1893 it was demolished for the George Hotel, a great centre for fisticuffs from the unruly e...